Innocence v. Experience

Sometimes I catch myself envying the innocence of a child. Most are carefree and have no worry of the world judging them for simply being themselves. They are simply oblivious and quite optimistic in their thought processes. However, the period of pure innocence cannot last forever in this world.

When you face reality, experience is greatly needed to even wiggle through the struggles of actual life. For example, if you have strong characteristics of generosity and kindness, people will take advantage of that. You want to believe there is good in everyone, but that is something you come to face when you finally experience it for yourself. Such as a person posing on the side of the road as someone in great need of money. People, including yourself, donate money out of the kindness of their hearts in hopes to assist him with getting back on his feet in the world. He then turns around and spends that money on either alcohol or a big screen TV to use in his home he is pretending he does not have. You then gain the experience that not everyone is who they say they are, and with that, you must be wise in who you choose to trust.

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